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Suriya Jaya
Ahmad Mukhlasin


The purpose of this research is to discuss the Realization of Managerial Competencies in Effective Leadership, This research method is a library review, the results of this research is in creating effective leadership is very necessary managerial competence to support it, the principal as a leader in educational institutions must be really in mastering managerial competence in order to achieve effective leadership, the principal must be very adept in managing and developing human resources and can plan, manage, implement and create a very conducive learning organization environment, so that the teaching and learning process is carried out as expected, thus it will create an effective leadership. By applying the competence owned by the principal, then the visionary leadership should be carried out, because if the competence is used well by constantly paying attention to the changing times and looking for opportunities to get success or progress of the institution in the future then it is not impossible to achieve.


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Keywords: Managerial Competence, Leadership, Effective

Jaya, S., & Mukhlasin, A. (2021). Realization of Managerial Competence in Effective Leadership. EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 4(4), 659-665. Retrieved from