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Elvita Bellani
Salsa Sakinah
Juan Felix Leonardo
Annisa Emmilly Jasmine Siregar


This study aims to investigate critical thinking training effectiveness. Forty students (34 females and 6 males) participated in this study. A quasi experimental within subject design was employed in this study. Measurement was done by translated Scientific Reasoning Scale in the pre- and post-test. Data were analyzed using paired samples t-test. The results showed a significant difference in critical thinking skills before (M = 39, SD = 18.9) and after the intervention (M = 70.2 SD = 23.5); t(39) = 8.5 p < 0.01, d= 1.35. This result indicates that the intervention is effective to improve critical thinking skills


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Keywords: critical thinking, cognitive skills, Scientific Reasoning

Bellani, E., Sakinah, S., Leonardo, J. F., & Siregar, A. E. J. (2021). Inoculations against misinformation: The Effectiveness of Critical Thinking Training. EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 5(2), 357-366. Retrieved from