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Guntur Putrajaya
Abdul Latif
B.M.A.S. Anaconda Bangkara
Irma Rachmawati Maruf


This study discussed the problem of the advantages of ICT applications for the successful application of formal learning. We have carefully reviewed some kinds of literature involving a chronological approach, which includes analyzing data, testing data, evaluating and interpreting it until we get some crucial points, which include we get several technological applications, including argumentative reality, adaptive learning, artificial intelligence, robotic and automation, utilization of 5G advances in learning, and learning analytics. It is hoped that these findings will be helpful for further studies.


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Keywords: Benefits, ICT Application, Implementation, Formal Education

Putrajaya, G., Latif, A., Nofirman, N., Bangkara, B. A., & Maruf, I. R. (2022). The Benefits of ICT Application on the Successful Implementation of Formal Education . EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 6(2), 388-402.

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