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Ai Deudeu Maria Dewi
Fiqh Fazriyansyah
Aan Hasanah
Bambang Syamsul Arifin


The purpose of writing this article is to explain how the Core Ethical Values ​​of Character Education are Based on the State Philosophy, namely Pancasila. The research technique used is library techniques or library research. Indonesia has a Pancasila Philosophy which is the result of the deepest thinking of the Indonesian people which is considered, trusted, and believed to be the most correct, just, good, wise, and appropriate reality for the Indonesian people. Quality character needs to be formed and nurtured from an early age. Early age is a determining period for the formation of one's character. The state philosophy is a philosophical concept that reflects the foundation and outlook on life of the Indonesian nation. As the basis of state philosophy, the Pancasila precepts are a value system, therefore in essence it is a unit. Pancasila has a series of values, namely divinity, humanity, unity, democracy and justice. Pancasila values ​​are also values ​​that are in accordance with the conscience of the Indonesian nation, because they originate from the national personality. These Pancasila values ​​become the basic foundation, as well as the motivation that must be instilled in every student every day in learning and extracurricular activities. Pancasila as the philosophy of the State is impossible to stand upright on its glorious civilization unless you have a moral responsibility to instill Pancasila values ​​in yourself, your family, the community, students and all Indonesian children. Pancasila values ​​are also values ​​that are in accordance with the conscience of the Indonesian nation, because they originate from the national personality. These Pancasila values ​​become the basic foundation, as well as the motivation that must be instilled in every student every day in learning and extracurricular activities. Pancasila as the philosophy of the State is impossible to stand upright on its glorious civilization unless you have a moral responsibility to instill Pancasila values ​​in yourself, your family, the community, students and all Indonesian children. Pancasila values ​​are also values ​​that are in accordance with the conscience of the Indonesian nation, because they originate from the national personality. These Pancasila values ​​become the basic foundation, as well as the motivation that must be instilled in every student every day in learning and extracurricular activities. Pancasila as the philosophy of the State is impossible to stand upright on its glorious civilization unless you have a moral responsibility to instill Pancasila values ​​in yourself, your family, the community, students and all Indonesian children. as well as the motivation that must be instilled in each student every day in learning and extracurricular activities. Pancasila as the philosophy of the State is impossible to stand upright on its glorious civilization unless you have a moral responsibility to instill Pancasila values ​​in yourself, your family, the community, students and all Indonesian children. as well as the motivation that must be instilled in each student every day in learning and extracurricular activities. Pancasila as the philosophy of the State is impossible to stand upright on its glorious civilization unless you have a moral responsibility to instill Pancasila values ​​in yourself, your family, the community, students and all Indonesian children.

Keywords: Value; Character building; State Philosophy


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Keywords: Value, Character building, State Philosophy

Dewi, A. D. M., Fazriyansyah, F., Hasanah, A., & Arifin, B. S. (2023). The Core Ethical Values of Character Education (Based on State Philosophy). EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 7(2), 552-561.