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Azhar Azhar
Candra Wijaya
Yusuf Hadijaya


This research aims to describe how the Strategic Plan for Teacher Quality Improvement is implemented in Deli Insani Tanjung Morawa Integrated Islamic Private Elementary School, Deli Serdang Regency. School quality improvement is one of the tasks and functions of the school principal as a leader, which is a crucial factor in enhancing teacher quality in the school. As the highest authority in the school, the principal's leadership style and strategies significantly influence the school's progress. Planning for the utilization of school resources by the principal involves the involvement of all available resources and facilities within the school. Data collection for the research was obtained through observation, interviews, and documentary studies. The steps of data analysis included data collection, data reduction, and drawing conclusions from the data. To ensure data validity, techniques such as credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability were employed to examine the data. The findings of this research can be summarized as follows: 1) The Strategic Plan for Teacher Quality Improvement in the School includes educational planning, school program planning, principal's strategies, and teacher quality enhancement in the school. 2) The Implementation of the Strategic Plan for Teacher Quality Improvement in the School entails teacher supervision, involving educators in meetings, workshops, and teacher workgroup activities, as well as recognition. 3) The Supporting Factors and Obstacles of the Strategic Plan for Teacher Quality Improvement in the School involve good cooperation among all educational personnel, while obstacles include inadequate facilities and welfare.


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Keywords: Strategic Plan, Quality Improvement, Teachers

Azhar, A., Wijaya, C., & Hadijaya, Y. (2023). Strategic Plan for Enhancing the Quality of Educators in Deli Insani Integrated Islamic Primary School. EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 7(2), 518-528.

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