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Prayogi Bagas Andriyanto
Adib Fanani


Primary education to tertiary institutions, which is used to provide face-to-face learning, now have to adapt to distance learning or online learning. However, since it is a modern concept, its efficacy and perception among teachers have been challenged. This study aimed to identify the teachers perception on the implementation of online learning in teaching English and the objective is to know the challenges and advantages faced by the teachers on the implementation of online learning in teaching English at junior high school.

The study employed descriptive qualitative design. The participants involved in this study were 6 teachers from two junior high schools in Malang. The instruments used in this study was interview. The process of data analysis included data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The data gathered were then verified by an expert validator.

The result of this study showed that teachers had positive perception toward the implementation of online learning. teachers experienced many benefits from implementing online learning. However, the teacher needs to make a number of adaptations, including those related to how to utilize the program, how to adapt to the learning materials, and how to apply learning. Teachers also acknowledged that there were numerous challenges associated with online learning, such as network limitations, which decreased the effectiveness of learning.

The findings of this study suggested that school stakeholders need to evaluate the implementation of English online learning as recommended on the findings.



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Keywords: English Teacher, perception, Online Learning

Andriyanto, P. B., & Fanani, A. (2023). The Teachers Perception on Online Learning in Teaching English at Junior High School. EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 7(2), 332-343.

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