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Yayan Mulyana
Syarijuddin Al Farisi
Wardana Wibawa
Qiqi Yuliati Zaqiah


The impact of technology on the delivery of education and training is increasingly being felt. Likewise, the influence of the Open Access movement. These two things also support the development of Massive Open Online Courses or what is familiarly called MOOC, MOOC is a means of education and training that carries the principle of openness and utilizes technological sophistication to allow the involvement of participants in large numbers. With such characteristics, MOOC opens opportunities for teachers, lecturers, and even the community to take part in training based on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). This opportunity is increasingly being utilized by people from developed countries who are technologically literate, but also people from developing countries as well. This trend needs to be known by teachers, lecturers or even the people of Indonesia, especially teachers in West Java province as part of the work area of the Bandung Religious Education and Training Center. The hope is that they can utilize and follow the training model using this MOOC technology. In its development, the Bandung Religious Education and Training Center in collaboration with the Technical Education and Training Center for Religious Education and Training of the Ministry of Religious Affairs conducted MOOC-based Learning Methodology Training.


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Keywords: MOOC, Education and Training, Teachers

Mulyana, Y., Al Farisi, S., Wibawa, W., & Zaqiah, Q. Y. (2024). Using MOOCs for Innovative Learning at Bandung Religious Center. EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 7(3), 659-669.