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Syahirah A Farid
Khusniyati Masykuroh


Educational media that supports children in developing environmental care character is still limited, as observed in a preliminary study conducted at a kindergarten in Bekasi. To address this, the researchers aim to develop an animated video as a solution for educational media. The purpose of this study is to foster children's awareness of environmental conservation. The research follows the ADDIE model, and the video was evaluated by an early childhood education expert, an animation media expert, a language expert, and two teachers. The evaluation yielded an average score of 90%, indicating a very valid criterion. Based on these results, the "Ayo Jaga Lingkungan" animated video is deemed appropriate for use as a learning medium to introduce environmental care character to young children.


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Keywords: Environmental Awareness, Character Education, Animated Video, arly Childhood Education, ADDIE Model

A Farid, S., & Masykuroh, K. (2024). Development of the "Let’s Care for the Environment" Animated Video to Introduce Environmental Care Character to Early Childhood. EDUTEC : Journal of Education And Technology, 8(1), 169-177.

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